TCMS Connections Classes

Mr. Ellis - Health/Physical Education

Instructor: Coach Ellis

Purpose: This course is designed to introduct students to a variety of sports that can be participated in throughout one's life. We will also seek to increase the overall fitness and flexibility of all students


Dress-Out Policy: Each student will be required to dress out for PE. Failure to dress out will be a 2 point deduction from the final average.

Materials Needed: Shorts/ Sweats, Tennis shoes

Attendance: Each tardy will result in a 1% reduction in the quarter grade. Each unexcused absence will result in a 2% reduction in the quarter grade. If a student is present, and not prepared for class, it will result in a 2% reduction in the quarter grade.

Class Rules: These are my expectations of you:

1. Arrive in class on time and prepared.

2. Work until I dismiss you.

3. Do NOT bring cell phones, beepers, or CD players into the room. If I see them, I will take them up and a parent will have to come retrieve them.

4. There will be no food or drinks allowed in the gym.

5. You will get out of this class exactly what you put in.

6. Obey all safety rules all of the time.

In Health, units will include purpose of major human body organ systems.

Physical Education activities will include basketball, baseball, soccer, flag football, volleyball, badminton, lacrosse, dodging and fleeing activities. There will also be an emphasis put on the importance of becoming and staying a physically active and productive person.